About CARD

Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)

A Statewide Effort to Serve Individuals with Autism and Related Disabilities

Child at play with his father

In 1993, the Florida Legislature authorized the funds to establish the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD). There are now seven CARD sites throughout the state, which receive funding through the Florida Department of Education.

The purpose of CARD is to provide support and assistance with the goal of optimizing the potential of individuals with autism spectrum disorders, dual-sensory impairments and related disabilities. CARD services are provided free of charge to individuals with autism and related disabilities, to their families and to the professionals who work with them.

While each CARD site represents a unique geographical service region, CARD programs, services and priorities are a reflection of statewide coordination, planning and development efforts.

CARD Overview

Whom Does CARD Serve?

CARD serves individuals of any age with...

  • Autism spectrum disorders (ASD): Autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PPD-NOS), Rett's disorder, Asperger syndrome and childhood disintegrative disorder
  • Related disabilities: Dual-sensory impairments (deaf-blind), sensory loss plus another disabling condition

CARD serves family members and educational professionals who are involved in the individual's life. Community members interested in autism and related disabilities are also welcome to attend CARD events and can call the center for more information. UF/Jacksonville CARD serves the following counties: Baker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau and St. Johns.

CARD Services to Families

  • Parent training, functional behavioral assessment, behavior support plans
  • Training events and workshops
  • Referrals to service providers, funding sources, support groups, etc.
  • Family support: counseling, support groups, social skills groups, sibshops

CARD Services to Schools

CARD assists schools in our service area...

  • School Consultation: Consultation with educational professionals
  • Training events and workshops for educational professionals (opportunities for continuing education credit)
  • Florida DOE/CARD Teacher Partnership

CARD Services in the Community

CARD community services include...

  • Awareness events pertaining to autism and related disabilities for local groups or agencies upon request
  • Training events on topics pertaining to autism and related disabilities
  • Annual statewide CARD conference
  • Dissemination of informational brochures on autism and related disabilities

Constituency Board Officers

Our constituency board is comprised of family members and individuals with autism and related disabilities. They help guide program policies, priorities and activities. The constituency board meets with CARD staff on a quarterly basis throughout the year. Check the upcoming events section below for the next meeting. If you are interested in more information, please feel free to contact our office at (904) 633-0760 or email our Division Administrator, Jeannie Potthast, at jeannie.potthast@jax.ufl.edu.